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Listings Management

Get found. Generate traffic. Grow revenue.

Modern search has changed the way customers find your business online. Is your business showing up as a point of interest in modern GPS systems? Mobile apps? Are voice assistants like Siri and Alexa giving your customers the right information? Missing or incorrect data can result in unhappy customers, lost revenue, and a drop in local search ranking.

We submit your business information to the main data aggregators: Neustar/Localeze, Foursquare, Factual, and Data Axle. These aggregators share your information with a network of directories that power search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and more — and create accurate listings your customers can count on.

Listing Sync | Pro gives you a single dashboard to control how your business appears across the internet. With the click of a button, you can instantly create and update listings across an established network of sites, AND keep your information protected from third-party changes — putting you in control of your online brand.

Get found on search engines, social networks, mobile apps, navigation systems, and ensure your business listings are present, accurate, and protected from unwanted changes.

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Control Your Brand

Control how your business appears across the internet. Instantly create and update listings across an established network of sites and protect your information from third-party changes.

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Create and fix listings with the click of a button – Get your business found on an established network of search engines, social networks, business directories and navigation systems. With plenty of accurate listings, you’ll make it easier for customers to find your business online, and boost your local search ranking.

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Protect your listings from unwanted changes – Automatically re-establish accurate information when a change has been made to your listing. Protect your data from changes by competitors, data aggregators, and other third parties.

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Make updates in real-time – Holiday hours, address changes, new payment methods. Whatever the reason for your update, you can instantly push these changes to all of your listings from a single dashboard — so your customers will always find the most up-to-date information.

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Showcase your brand – Entice customers with photos. Highlight your products and services. Offer more information like hours of operation and payment methods. Enhance your listings with additional content that makes customers more likely to buy—and sets you apart from the competition.

Illustration of Callie the cat asking Alexa who sales organic catnip toy mice near her. Alexa answers with the name of her competition. Callie wonders if her competition is benefiting from her ads.


Don’t send potential customers to your competition. Make sure accurate information about your business is found wherever consumers search.

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Why is it important for local businesses to have a mobile optimized listing?
For SEO, priority is given to good customer experience on mobile devices. Consumers will use mobile devices to find desired goods or services and will generally begin these searches with a category or brand search. For example, a brand search is “Joe’s Pizza in Denver” and a category search is “Pizza in Denver”. (Note: On a mobile device the “in Denver” often does not need to be explicit.) In the case of a category search, the user has intent to purchase something in a category but has not decided or does not care about the brand. In these searches, the user’s intent is generally heavily skewed toward proximity and location. So search engines generally deliver the closest locations and it is therefore important that location information is crawlable, is displayed on each page, and is in meta-data and keywords.

What are the benefits to using a Listing Distribution?
Listing Distribution is a continual process that maintains and builds your web presence over time. Once the data aggregators have your correct business information, the rate at which sites reference this information varies.

Even if your business information is correct, listings can be eroded over time by user-generated content and other incorrect data. As long as your subscription is active, Listing Distribution refreshes your information with the data aggregators every week. Without this, there is a risk of allowing the current public data to change all of the value already established.

With Listing Sync | Pro, your listing’s data is almost instantaneously synced to a list of high traffic sources such as Alexa, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Yelp. (See Listing Sources)

What is a data aggregator?
Data aggregators gather consumer and business data and provide it to hundreds of listing directories, review sites, search engines, and more. They also power sophisticated modern applications such as Apple’s Siri and personal navigation systems.

How often can I make changes to my business profile?
You can update your business profile as much as you like. There’s no limit on the number of changes you can make.

How does Listing Distribution work?
Listing Distribution submits your business information to the main data aggregators: Neustar/Localeze, Foursquare, Data Axle, and Factual.

Over time, hundreds of directories will reference these aggregators to collect business data and create accurate listings based on your submitted information. This includes search engines, navigation systems, voice search, mobile apps, and even offline sources like telephone books and government records.

When multiple sources have consistent business data, two outcomes occur:

  • Google’s WebCrawler finds the same information in multiple places and adds more confidence to their business data.
  • Good backlinks are created with more referring sources to the business’ website creating better SEO.

Let’s build your brand together!

We work with your team to get a solid understanding of your brand and develop a marketing strategy that ushers visitors through the customer journey, turning them not only into customers, but also loyal ambassadors of your brand.

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